Technical Services

Technical Analysis & Support

There’s more to ICT than quality products. With our seasoned technical staff and lab testing capabilities, we help our customers solve problems and make informed decisions. With just a basic set of information and a little history we can identify challenges and seek opportunities for improvement.

Mix design optimization, technical training, and in-plant trials are also routinely conducted. ASTM and CMHA standardized testing are performed in-house at no cost to our clients. We have close affiliations with other agencies to perform services and analytics that are outside of our scope. ICT brings the most value by providing a sounding board for your ideas or current struggles. Stump one of us and you’ll soon have us all in discussion to find you an answer, or a solution.

If you’d like to know more about our capabilities and perhaps how you can be more proactive in your quality assurance practices, Click here to reach out and we will be in touch. We’d love for you to join the ICT family!